Welcome to backlinksindexer.com - getting started
Congratulations and thank you for being a member of backlinksindexer.com. You made the right choice in choosing to improve your index rate and overall search engine rankings. The system is extremely versatile, and easy to use as we will explain.
The dashboard is very easy to manage. Simply copy/paste the urls/webpages you wish to get indexed or boosted up in the search engines. You can copy/paste or you can upload a text or excel file. You can do a few thousand links at a time and leave in the que. If you add enough links (based on your plan) you can leave your account dormant for weeks/months and still receive the service vs adding each day.
Also, if you take advantage of the WordPress Plugin, your blog posts (new and old) will receive links to help them get indexed and higher rankings in the search engines.
We are also partnered with many top software companies and services. We have an API key you can usually enter into services which automatically integrates your dashboard so you never have to login and submit again.
Once submitted your links will appear under Pending Processing, which means they are successfully submitted and awaiting being pushed through the system. Please note it may take up to 15 minutes to go from submitted to pending.
Submitted -> Pending -> Processed URLS. This means the links have successfully went through Backlinks Indexer.
If you wish to resubmit a group of links that were already processed you may do so by going to processed urls section and clicking on "resubmit"

Each processed url receives around 13-15 backlinks through various methods. The best metric to see the overall impact is by the index rate of each processed url. Please note, since we build links to links and don't take shortcuts it can take several weeks (and even months) to see the full effect to each url. We recommend Andy's Index Checker to find out which links are found by Google (indexed) and which ones aren't.
The most popular way to use the system is to boost up web2.0 sites, youtube videos, press releases, articles, forum profiles, and many other "tier 1" type sites. This causes those platforms to become indexed/more valuable which in turn link to your website.
Another equally as popular method is to input your main direct website and webpages. If you own sites that have dozens, hundreds or thousands of pages you can input them directly in addition to your tier 1 type websites. This will ensure you get deep links to your inner pages and improve your overall search engine rankings and link diversity profile.
We are very excited about the continued growth of this service and know it will be a great tool in your online marketing arsenal. When in doubt, throw your links into the system to be indexed and boosted up and watch your rankings continue to climb!